Thursday, November 14, 2013

Letter Animation Styleframes

For the next assignment, we will animate a letter into and out of the frame. The music and color palette is the same for everyone. Mine is the letter M. I mostly do friendly, cutesy, solid stuff so for this I want to do something repulsive and liquid. It's really gross and terrible, which is kind of the point.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Thursday, October 24, 2013

10 Second Rough

Here's the first 10 seconds to get an idea of the current pacing and feel. I'll add background colors and textures and the assets that are absent.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Monday, October 14, 2013

Character Lineup

Here's how the characters for the video game animation are looking. They're representations of art mediums as a chemistry set. Obviously there are a myriad of art mediums and these aren't all of them.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Style Frames

These were some newer style frames testing illustration style and color palette.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

New Direction

I've scrapped the first idea in favor of one that gets the same point across visually with no narration. I'll use bright colors and a fun jazz song cut to about a minute to show a chemistry set that represents the different art mediums. As the music picks up, the elements come to life, some combining to make others. They notice a blank square in their periodic table, and a large group come together to make the newest art medium: video games. Then they all dance back into the cabinets which spell "ART"

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Preliminary Styleframes

These styleframes were based on the original script and storyboard before the idea was revamped.

Preliminary Storyboard

From the original script, this first storyboard was made.

Preliminary Script

This was an initial preliminary idea for a video showing how video games are a medium for art. Here is the initial script. Bold is narration while italic is visual:

The most interesting art medium humans have ever had... is the video game
Let's back up and see why.
What are the art forms you know? Drawing, music, sculpture, writing, performance.
(painting, photography, filmmaking, fashion, architecture, landscaping, typography, graphic design, graffiti, acting, dance, installation, industrial design...)
Sometimes we combine things like writing and performance to get theatre
or graphic design and animation to get motion graphics
They always involve someone communicating something.
Maybe even a group of people working together to communicate something.
And we've been doing it since the beginning of our time here.
[painting, music, architecture, sculpture, fashion, writing]
Mesopotamia, China, Egypt, the Renaissance.
(flowchart changes style for each period)
Throughout art history, there have been periods of explosive growth and new thinking.
We are now in a digital renaissance. The internet has been a crucible for new ideas in user interface.
(simplified web page on Web Design near Interface Design)
This combined with industrial design results in even more interfaces.
(wiimote, kinect, tablet, controller, rift, wacom)
Which brings us to the art form which combines more mediums than any other has in the history of mankind: video games.
(slowly speeding up as each connects to video games)
Traditional art, sculpture, writing, animation, performance, music, architecture [interior design, landscaping], industrial design, cinematography, interface design...
(all get sucked in to video games starting the bright light of an explosion)
Almost every artistic discipline finds a home in creating and experiencing video games.
Imagine the man in 15th century Florence who didn't care about seeing the sistine chapel.
The 1920's American that wouldn't see a film.
What person in 2014 would not put on an Oculus Rift?
We're in the middle of the digital renaissance.
Looking the other way... well, just try to look away from an explosion.
end credit

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Masks and Mattes

Using a mask to stylize a slideshow of some friends' recent trip to Boston. Also a hypothetical company logo at the end.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


A simple animation of a shield appearing. I chose a padlock like it would be featuring security for a product during a video.

Thursday, August 29, 2013